The Hex Machine

Imperfection makes perfect, except in my case.

I'm Nicasia the Hex Machine. Also known as Nic, Nica or Nici, occasionally Boss by some. In the World of Warcraft I've been a shaman since June 2010, elemental all the way. I'm a guild leader, a part-time raid leader, a roleplayer, an altoholic, a DPS, a tank and a healer. I'm a devoted fisherman and a hardcore archaeologist, whose cooking skill is about 8 in real life. I got it up to 8 by pushing the buttons on my microwave oven.

I have characters scattered on multiple realms, but my main base of operations is the European RP (I wish!) realm Moonglade. As a person I'm very stubborn and proud, but also quite kind and usually patient. And a rogue.

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