Thursday, 26 July 2012

Mists of Pandaria release date and pre-purchase

It's finally out there and official - Mists of Pandaria will be released on the 25th of September 2012. The pre-purchase feature is also available on the site, accessible here. Two months of Cataclysm to go! Now off you go to order your pandas, I will do so very soon as well.


  1. I'm half-tempted to pre-order and then fetch the expansion from Puolenkuun Pelit instead of buying the digital download... just because the queues are always fun to be in. There were people outside the local store when Cataclysm came out who queued for over 20 hours to get their copy... insane!

    1. I think it's a similar situation to, say, rock (or some other genre, but that's the one I have experience of) festivals and such. The people are excited both personally and together, because they support the same 'cause'. It's a pretty cool feeling.

      It doesn't really matter how one buys it anyhow if they aren't going for server-firsts or something. Plus I heard from a friend that the expansion's patch-like installation screws up one's addons - as a raid leader I'm not particularly excited about that one.

      Other than that I just want to thank you for the comment. I got so excited when someone that I in fact did not pressure or blackmail (ahem) decided to comment! Wee :D

    2. When Wrath came out, I got the digital download version that cost more and should've technically allowed me to enter the game a few hours before people who bought the normal download/store-sold version, but Blizzard didn't take into consideration how big of a rush expansion release dates have so a good majority of the servers were down. By the time I got mine installed with all the bugs present, I was online about 3-4 hours LATER than the people who got the stable DVD version. Didn't piss me off. AT ALL. <_<'

      I'm definitely not looking forward to add-ons being turned off. I'll have to remember to back up all my Total RP descriptions, and I'm not sure if I can handle instances without DBM/Recount/Healbot. *weep*

      And of course I'll comment. :) I found your blog with the keyword Warcraft, it's always quite fascinating to find another female who plays, since my collective group of people are all male! :D

    3. I can see how that would be annoying! >.< I guess one should choose a logical moment to download it, a week to a couple of days before it goes live or something like that. :) But I've always bought my expansions from stores instead of downloading them, so I wouldn't know - this is the first time I plan to pre-purchase and download.

      Yeah not just that, but I heard from a friend of mine that just downloading Mists of Pandaria screwed them up. Haha yeah, too many times I've messed up my MRP descriptions >.< Luckily DBM and such are usually updated fast. :)

      Ha, awesome. :D I've come across quite a few females through blogs, actually. In-game I don't really care what people regard me as. :)

  2. Haven't yet tried pre-ordering but will try this time, also been preparing for the Mists of Pandaria. Now i will need all the wow gold that i can get hold of, really helps in leveling up and upgrading. see ya all....

    1. Eh, I should have known that these gold selling commercials come up even without the help of actual ads. :P
