Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Through Your Interface: 15 Days of Screenshots #4

See Saz's blog for more information regarding the challenge!

4. Greatest accomplishment
Proud of a boss kill? Excited about taming that rare? Over the moon about getting a title? Show us your greatest in game accomplishment!

I wasn't sure if non-full screenshots were allowed in this challenge, but at least the rules didn't say anything about that! So therefore I present our guild.

Menagerie is level 25 these days, the shot was taken to remember the message of the day of 1st of April. I consider the guild my greatest accomplishment in the game. I formed it together with two good friends, who are still leading it with me, and still have their original unique guild master titles among my own. The guild turned 1 year in the beginning of July and we've grown significantly during that time. It's been a rocky road, and still is, but I don't regret forming the guild and I wouldn't give it up for the world. It's become a great part of my WoW persona.

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